1. Apologies for Absence
2. Adoption of Minutes from the AGM held on 10th October 2023
3. Matters Arising
4. Chairman’s Report (as distributed)
5. Treasurer’s Report & Accounts (as distributed)
6. Musical Director’s Report
7. Election of Officers - Tenure continues of:
Chair, Treasurer, Librarian, Publicity Officer, Safeguarding, H&S, Social Convenors & Booking Co-Ordinator - all are willing to continue unless there are any other nominations. The Secretary is at the end of her tenure and Jane Stanley has been re-nominated to continue by Alison Lilley and seconded by Annie Rees. The Member Rep has resigned – the post is available for nominations – please use the form below
8. Re-appointment of Musical Director
9. Any Other Business
NOMINATION FORM In accordance with item 5C of the Constitution
I would be willing to join the committee as: _______________________
Signed: _________________________
I wish to nominate ____________________________ for the above post of ____________________
Signed ____________________________
Seconded __________________________
(Please note you may nominate yourself. However if nominating someone else for a position on the committee you must have their permission)
0n Tuesday 22nd October 2024 at 7pm
Apologies for absence were received from Howard Stanley, Bill Bettley, Pam Nuttall, Susan Springford, Anne Wilson and Amy Buchanan.
Bob read a card from Tensia Davies who has decided to retire from the choir.
Minutes of A.G.M. held on October 11th 2022
Minutes of A.G.M. held on October 11th 2022, having been circulated to members. These were approved by Sue Levett and seconded by Prim Rayner.
Matters Arising
Alison referred to the outcome of the report to the Financial Ombudsman regarding the missing £150 paid by BACS to the Friends of St Andrews. She explained that this is documented In the Treasurer’s report.
Chairman’s Report
As attached.
As stated in our current constitution Bob then resigned from his position of Chairman following the end of his three-year tenure.
Treasurers Report
As attached, circulated to members, and proposed by Alison Lilley and seconded by Bev Downes.
As Alison has come to the end of her three-year tenure she resigned.
Musical Director’s Report
Thomas Duchan was pleased to say that we had enjoyed a good year. He realised that there were issues regarding the temperatures in various venues, and with layouts for concerts especially regarding the positioning of the Altos. This will be addressed at the start of 2024 with committee members.
Election of Officers
In the absence of an elected Chairman, Jane took the Chair for the election of officers. Jane explained that in the current constitution Bob, Alison and Howard had all completed their three-year tenure and had resigned. However, all three were prepared to stand again in their previous roles for a further tenure, as no nominees had been received for any of these positions. Jane seeked to nominate all three on bloc. This was proposed by Bev Downes and seconded by Steve Williams. A show of hands agreed. The remaining committee members are all willing to continue in their existing roles.
Jane then introduced two new co-opted members onto the committee. Hazel Cooper, nominated by Bev Barnes and Helena Baker, who has volunteered to join the committee. Both were officially elected with Glenys Young proposing, Pat Newton seconding and a show of hands in agreement.
The committee were delighted to announce that Hazel will assist Bob and Glenys with risk assessments as part of our new Health and Safety policy, and Helena will become our Safeguarding Officer.
Jane then handed the Chair back to Bob.
Any other Business
Bob Lilley explained that all new policies would be covered at a later date when all members had a copy of the newly updated handbook. A copy of all the policies will be held by the Secretary and will be available at all meetings and rehearsals.
Thomas thanked Bob and Alison on behalf of the choir for their continued hard work, especially Alison’s efficiency as our Librarian.
The meeting closed at 7.55pm
Minutes of The Hedingham Singers A.G.M. held on October 10th 2023 at 7.30pm at Sible Hedingham Baptist Church